Nicole Scherzinger  

Nicole Prescovia Elikolani Valiente Scherzinge was born in 1978. She shot to fame as the lead singer of pop band Pussycat Dolls. She is also known as a dancer, a model and a song writer. Occasionally, she goes into acting as well.

Since young, Nicole has displayed a flair for the arts. She started performing in Louisville, and attended the Youth Performing Arts School. She started her recording career way before joining Pussycat Dolls. In 1999,
she appeared in the second album by Days of the New. In 2001, she competed in the American singing competition, Popstars, which earned her a spot in all-girl pop group, Eden's Crush.

In 2003, Nicole Scherzinger joined the Pussycat Dolls, which gave her massive exposure in the entertainment industry. The Pussycat Dolls were responsible for several top hits such as "Don't Cha", "When I Grow Up", "Buttons", and "Stickwitu". In 2006, Nicole Scherzinger went on a tour with the pop group to promote their music. In that very same year, it was revealed that the Dolls were actually salaried employees of Interscope Records. Among all the Dolls, Nicole is the only one with song writing credits.

From 2006 onward, Nicole appeared in numerous guest appearances on popular talk shows. She also worked with several male vocalists such as Shaggy and Will Smith. Riding on the rising popularity of the Pussycat Dolls, Nicole went on to release solo albums, most of which registered only a fair amount of success.

Her first solo album, "Whatever U Like", was released in July 2007. It didn't make a big impact in the charts. Interscope had to take go back to the drawing board to work on the marketing for the album. They took the tracks, and posted them on their website for fans to vote. Based on the feedback from fans, they then made the necessary adjustments to remove or replace tracks.

Despite not making the charts, Nicole Prescovia still did well in the commercial industry. She appeared in several big time commercials for Unilever's Caress brand of body wash and in October 2008, she promoted Clear Shampoo and Conditioner. The commercials were aired throughout South East Asia.

Her featured singles include "Lie About Us" (2006), "Come to Me" (2006), "You Are My Miracle" (2007), and "Scream" (2008).

Nicole fans will perhaps be happy to learn that although her career has been a roller coaster ride, she seems to enjoy better luck when it comes to romance. She is now dating Formula 1 driver, Lewis Hamilton.

Fans can learn more about the latest updates from Nicole's official website, or from dedicated fan sites. They may also download sexy photos of the beautiful singer, view videos, and check out the latest news. On the official site, feedback is always welcomed. So click on "Discussion", jump right in, and join in the chat.

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