MTV's 10 Men of The Year 2008  

The music channel MTV has compiled its list of men who have dominated the airwaves in 2008. Needless to say, the 10th position gives me nausea already!

1. Lil 'Wayne
What's so special in 2008? He was recognized as the best MC in the world (hum ...), launched his album Tha Carter III, which has sold over a million copies in a week, launched at least 99 singles or featuring, was arrested in connection with cases of drugs and weapons, had time to record another album, come to Montreal this winter, was congratulated by 50 Cent and Kanye West for his exploits, has been nominated for Grammys, saw his disc Tha Carter named as one of the best in 2008 ...

2. Kanye West
He has traveled the world with his impressive tour Glow In The Dark, launched a book of philosophy entitled 'Thank You And You're Welcome "(?) Won the Grammy for best album, made crises diva, broken with his fiancee, booed by the crowd's Bonnaroo festival because he had pointed at 4.30 am on stage, produced the next record Jay-Z, beat Guns N Roses to record sales with its bold Hearbreak disc, said he had invented a new style of music (Pop Art ...), and nevertheless continued to make good music ...

3. Joe Jonas (Jonas Brothers)
Became a sex symbol in the eyes of an entire generation of prepubescent, met Britney Spears behind the scenes of MTV Video Music Awards, then went broke with the beautiful Taylor Swift (on the phone ...), came out with Camilla Belle, who has been with Robert Pattinson, ...

4. Robert Pattinson
He has become a mega star through his role as Edward in the film adaptation of the novel Twilight, caused hysteria at each of its public outings, has been appointed among the sexiest men by People magazine, interprétra painter Salvador Dali in the film Little Ashes, should make an appointment in a tanning salon ...

5. Robert Downey Jr.
Held starred in two major productions, Iron Man and Tropic Thunder, which drew crowds and compliance reviews (more than $ 420 million at the box office if the combined revenues), a shot of Sherlock Holmes Guy Ritchie, will hold the spotlight in Iron Man 2, has finally released the roles of alcoholics, received his first appointment at the Golden Globes for ages, managed to to silence all those who lost faith in his back!

6. Bill Kaulitz (Tokio Hotel)
What so special in 2008 ? He described his dressing room at the Festival of Mongolfières, launched the album Scream of TH, said he liked David Hasselhoff (?), dared to compare his band to the Beatles, was too inspired by Michael Jackson in his clothing, was tattooed ...

7. Nick Jonas (Jonas Brothers)
A popular and copula with Miley Cyrus, and then broke with it, then throw his sights on Selena Gomez, another Disney's, received his first Grammy nomination (wait I'm going to vomit ... :) ...)

8. T-Pain
A monster success with Flo Rida with Low piece, launched his album Thr33 Ringz, massacred by critics, arrived at the gala MTV Video Music Awards on the back of an elephant, a lot of unnecessary songs with his voice robot ...

9. TI
He was arrested for possession of weapons, worked then launched his album Paper Trail, has made community service as part of his sentence, has sown robin, was successful with whatever you like coins, and Live Your Life ... No Matter What

10. Pete Wentz
He supported Barack Obama (as 90% of American artists), appeared in the clip "I'm fucking Ben Affleck", tried to organize a concert in Antarctica ( this project was never realized), and married Ashlee Simpson, gave a name to its atrocious infant (Bronx Mowgli Wentz) and launched Folie Two, the new album from his band Fall Out Boy!

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