Michael Jackson suffers from serious illness ?  

In Touch magazine just reveal a more alarming information concerning the health of the King of Pop. According to the magazine, Michael Jackson suffers from a rare disease that could cost him his life.

According to them, Michael Jackson would be really sick this time. Very severely affected, it suffers from a disease called the deficit alpha 1-antitrypsin. This rare genetic disease has consequences for abnormalities of the liver and pulmonary emphysema that causes serious respiratory problems.

According to the magazine, the case of Michael Jackson is so advanced that it would require a lung. In addition to that, he suffers from intestinal bleeding that could well prevail.
Even if his illness was identified, it is so rare that any treatment is difficult and in addition, a transplant would be too dangerous for him considering his general state of health. It is not known if all information is true and that is why we communicate in the conditional.
It obviously hopes that Michael Jackson is doing well and that if ever he is really ill, all medical facilities are being implemented to improve their health.
It is also hoped that many fans will react to these alarming rumors.

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