Huang Kappa Girl Video  

Ever since the 12 minute long sex video of 'Kappa Girl' started taking the Chinese interwebs by storm last month, police have been hard at work trying to uncover the origins of the video in a bid to stop the video from spreading further online. Well, the Shanghai PSB has now cracked the mystery — the person responsible for spreading the video was none other than 'Kappa Girl' herself. And police have since detained the young woman surnamed Huang for spreading obscene material online.
As screwed up as it is, all the jigsaw puzzle pieces in this story fit together. Soon after she became an internet sensation, 'Kappa Girl' started a blog to capitalise on her new found fame and to turn it into cold hard cash. In one of her posts, she announced that her rates would be RMB20,000 for a bar appearance, RMB50,000 for an underwear modelling assignment, RMB30,000 for an exclusive interview. It makes sense then, that 'Kappa Girl' would supply her video to anyone who asked for it so she could continue to fuel her own fame.
Another man from Hubei province (would that be 'Kappa Girl's co-star we wonder?) has also been suspected of spreading the video and Hubei police are currently trying to track him down.

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